If you ask me, a good sandwich is hard to beat. Even if you don't have artisan bread on hand and instead have a cheap whole grain loaf like I had, it sort of balances out when what you're filling the sandwich with is incredibly good. This sandwich has avocado, tomato, cheddar cheese, lettuce, and onions (diced very small and somehow invisible in the photo), with a little bit of mustard, salt and pepper. And sometimes, life calls for a little bit of soda. The Blue Sky Cherry Vanilla Creme soda suited the other flavors quite nicely without overwhelming them. With a side of a few Sun Chips and apple slices, it was a delicious lunch. I just think that sometimes the most simple things can be absolutely the best. Maybe I just love sandwiches too much. What's your favorite sandwich?
2 Response to Sandwich Love
This pretty much is the sandwich that I eat all the time, except mine usually has some Cholula on it, also:)
Cholula is delicious! I'll try that next time.
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