Thursday Market Loot

Lately, one of my favorite things to do on a Thursday afternoon is to go by the farmer's market. It's a small one since it's mid-week; only about 3 booths are available at that time, but it's so great because I'm able to find a lot of great vegetables that can hold me out until the bigger farmer's market at the end of the week. A farm that I find myself continually buying from is McAdams Farm, based in Efland, North Carolina. Their website describes how they farm, and every single time I've spoken with them in transaction they've been so happy and friendly.

I have goals to eventually go visit farms I purchase from to see what they're like and to get to know better the policies of the people I buy from, so hopefully I'll be able to go there soon and check it out. I just think it's really important to be aware of what you're putting into your body and to support local farmers rather than gigantic chains that are impossible to investigate (or worse, can be investigated but have not great reputations). While I don't want push my views on anyone else, I do appreciate awareness and recommend a documentary called Food, Inc. especially to meat-eaters. If you're going to eat meat you should know about what a monster the meat industry has become, and how everything in your local supermarket is affected by it. I still buy some things like cereal and pasta from supermarkets and I don't even feel great about that, but I still think making an effort is important.

That'll be the end of my rant on farmer's markets! Hope that doesn't turn anyone off; it's one of my passions. Anyway, the "loot" I collected this go around were a couple of tomatoes, a couple of squash (what is the plural of squash!?), and some garlic. I've never had garlic so fresh, but it was very strong and delicious, and also fun to unravel! With these veggies and leftovers from my last market visit (red onion, broccoli, star squash) and the addition of my own basil, I made a simple pasta dish for dinner. Veggies in a butter sauce with garlic, onion, and basil, over pasta with the addition of a splash of soy sauce and mozzarella cubes. The mozz cubes were actually a mistake—they became gooey and stretchy. I would suggest doing that with a cold dish instead, and shredding it over something hot. Dunno why that didn't come to me beforehand! Cooking is such a learning experience. Sometimes I'm great and sometimes I suck. I wonder if it's like that for most people?

2 Response to Thursday Market Loot

September 12, 2010 at 10:58 PM

I'm almost 99% positive that you have read Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. That book had a great influence on me and deepened my decision to being a vegetarian.

September 12, 2010 at 11:00 PM

Also, I am glad that I came across your site, Emily! I absolutely love food blogs, so yours is a treasure to find. All your food endeavors look absolutely delicious, as I'm sure they tasted even better!

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